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Healing and soul revival starts here - live a soulful life

Shamanic Energy Medicine + Reiki Healing + Animal Communication + Psychic Mediumship


Meet Louise O'Flaherty
Owner of Heart and Soul Healing

Intuitive Healer, Psychic Medium, Soul Coach & Animal Communicator

Louise O'Flaherty is passionate about helping people and animals (especially horses!) live their best lives. Louise started her soul journey of waking up to what she came here on earth to do in 2014. She began her journey of discovering her intuitive gifts through losing a loved one to cancer. Her intuition and a life full of synchronicities started to emerge and she knew she was meant become a certified intuitive reiki master teacher and shamanic energy medicine practitioner to help people and animals heal and live a life of joy, purpose, synchronicities, good health, flow, abundance and peak performance. Louise became fascinated with distance healings, getting messages from animals and people's souls as well as loved ones in spirit, spirit guides, angels and past lives. Through these intuitive and powerful healing sessions she started seeing major shifts occur in their healing process, behaviors, mindsets, and their soul's journey to rediscover their true selves, especially over multiple sessions. Louise and her clients and their horses and pets began to see miracles occurring and she knew she had found her soul's purpose. Louise's mission is to help animals and people heal themselves, prevent dis-ease, discover and align to their life purpose, balance their emotions and achieve their goals, gain confidence, overcome fears, unblock/activate their loving nature and intuitive gifts, gain clarity and manifest their heartfelt desires. 


Louise has a calling to help be the voice for horses (and all animals) to help horses release accumulated stress and overwhelm, communicate to their riders and trainers what will make them happy, healthy, in tune with their rider, and feeling and performing their best. Louise believes that horses are amazing light beings that are capable of healing people and those around them and since they are so empathic and absorb so much of the stress in the environment and from their riders that they can benefit from regular energy healing & animal communication sessions to help prevent burnout, souring, anxiety, colic, injury, and more. Louise also believes it's beneficial for riders to receive regular energy healing & soul communication sessions to release their stress and trauma that transfers to their horse.


Louise offers energy healing alignments and communicates with your soul to help you let go of limiting beliefs, trauma, stagnant energy, bad habits, repeating patterns, and anything holding you back from manifesting your dreams and living a healthy, joyful life. Louise can help you release stress and anxiety, overcome disease, heal emotional trauma, navigate issues with relationships, gain clarity and align to your soul purpose, gain confidence, live a life in abundance and flow. As Louise helped people gain clarity on what they wanted to change in their life, she noticed that by setting these intentions along with an energy healing/alignment, miraculous progress occurred and even unexpected positive outcomes. Louise believes in miracles and holds space for miraculous self-healing to occur and shares insightful messages to help people overcome anything they are experiencing, such as cancer, dementia, physical pain, suicidal thoughts, limiting beliefs and mindsets, stress, trauma, physical injuries & pain, and more. Louise works with you to heal the root cause. The sky is the limit.  Louise holds space for miracles to occur using a variety of tools in her medicine bag – chakra balancing, aura cleansing, quantum healing, energy and entity releasing, soul retrieval, luminous energy field illumination, cord cutting, mediumship, timeline healing to heal trauma from childhood and even past lives, etc. Louise can help you shift from a victim or wounded mindset to an empowered mindset.

Meet Amelia
Why Naturopathy

Why Energy Healing & Soul Communiation / Animal Communication for You and Your Horse & Pets?

It can help with


Body - Health

Realign and activate energy flow for self-healing. Create psychosomatic health. Heal root cause of dis-ease and pain. Reduce inflammation and stress. Reset fight or flight. Boost immune system. Speed recovery from injury and surgery. Complimentary to traditional medicine.


Change unwanted thoughts, fears, behaviors. Reduce fatigue, brain fog. Increase memory, remember dreams. Shift mindset, overcome triggers, shed old patterns. Reduce suffering and live the life you wish for you and your pets.

Heart - Manifest

Help manifest your desired reality by reconnecting to source, the source of creation, the quantum field of limitless and timeless possibilities, miracles and synchronicities. Cleanse and heal your inner world to reflect back what you desire in your outer world.

Soul - Intuition

Soul coaching and guidance assists in living your truth, shifting to a positive and empowering mindset, changing old patterns, activating shifts & intuitive gifts, and aligning with your soul purpose.

Spirit - Emotions

Lift spirit, restore emotional balance, improve overall wellness and happiness.

Energy - Wellbeing & Peak Performance

Clears energy field of stress and heavy energy picked up throughout the day or over time to prevent disease, feel your best, increase calm, focus & performance.


Studying at Home
“I can honestly say Louise is a life saver. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Louise. Her healing energy and intuitive insight helped lift me out of a very dark period in my life.”

— Susan C.



You and Your Pets Healing & Soul Revival
Journey Starts Here

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Contact Info




760 - 415 - 6996

Bonsall, CA 92003

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